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May 2023 Newsletter

Robert Mathis • May 02, 2023

May 2023    A New Year starts

So I discovered that an attempt to change the layout would have required a premium upgrade to the website here where I've been publishing this.  Since I never paid for said upgrade, the last two newsletters were never sent out.  My apologies for not realizing that.  Technology is a beast at times and I'm not getting any younger.

That said, here's the latest:

      I'm sure many of you have seen or heard that the concrete has been poured and we are ready to proceed to the actual erection of the building.  For the latest round of frustrations, it appears that someone new at the company we paid for this building was misled with regard to the fact that we already paid for them to put up the building in addition to having paid for all the materials used to fabricate it.  I am in communication with the company at this time after so many others have tried to work with him and we have agreed that some things were overlooked on their part and should hopefully have a start date sooner than later.  I hesitate to say that since it always seems to backfire, but I remain hopeful.  In all reality, it should take no more than a week once they start to have the exterior shell up and finally show some actual progress that can help build up the confidence of our membership who simply just don't know the frustrations, we have been through between dealing with the architects, the building people and the county.  Keep your fingers crossed as we go forward.

I've updated the officers' listings, but want to make a special point to encourage all of our members to reach out to our officers with any news that we need to get out there for all to see.  For part of that information, I hope to be able to expand upon the Sickness & Distress areas so that we are all informed of what's going on with our friends and neighbors.  Not everyone wants that published for anyone online to see, so I've been somewhat hesitant.  But, when I see it on Facebook, I assume that it's safe to put out there for those of our members who aren't using social media.  We've lost several members lately and I am personally only aware of a few celebrations of life and/or memorials that have been held.  From Bernie S, Diane P, Bill P, David F, Mike S, Max S, and certainly others I haven't heard about, I know that the Board extends its most heartfelt condolences, and we'd like to thank all of our friends, neighbors and members who were called on to help out the friends and families of those who did pass.  Currently, our own Lodge President, Steve Ross, has been going through some tough times and will be looking at some recovery time from his surgery.  Lisa has been fantastic in keeping everyone updated on that. 

     While not everyone is on Facebook (and I often wish I wasn't), it is far more instant than a monthly newsletter, so if you have some information that needs to get out there, please contact me through the email ( or contact Ellen Downing.  Either of us can get it out there for all to see or learn as needed. 

     Some quick updates on the bigger picture of Moose goings-on:

The International Convention will be held in Reno NV this year from June 20th to the 23rd.  This is a weird one starting on a Tuesday and ending on a Friday, but should be a good time for any who wish to go.  Bear in mind that online registration is 50 dollars versus the mail-in or onsite registration of 100 dollars.  If you would like to go and need help getting through the registration process, feel free to reach out to me and I'll walk you through it.  Also, the main hotel is already booked out, but you can still get rooms at the Nugget or Circus Circus (in Reno) for discounted rates that are available when you use the links at  Additionally, the itinerary is also listed there for your perusal. 

In August, the Mid-Year Conference will happen, once again, in Scottsdale.  Many of us just drive up for the Saturday sessions and I would love to see a good showing this year.

The Moose Legion Celebration and Moose Riders retreat will be in Showlow June 9-11 if you want to escape the heat for a few days.  Plan ahead if you would like to go.

Now, a few notes for general purpose:

  1. I've asked that our Financial Review Committee be over-hauled in light of old rumors that have finally reached me.  So let me set the record straight.  I've NOT EVER been asked to have a review/audit the entire time I've been administrator for this Lodge.  Once upon a time, a committee chair would show at Board meetings and I would hand over all the books that I bring to every meeting.  That is the extent of any audit I have ever been through.  I have NEVER refused to meet with the one individual who claims, mistakenly, to have asked for such meetings since well before the fire happened.  My notes are on hand, my books are reconciled and reviewed both by Moose International and the Territory Manager.  Outside of needing to adjust assests and liabilities such as inventory on hand and property values, I believe there should be no questions and certainly no reason to avoid a request for audit.  With the new committee in place, it is my expectation that such will happen at the first meeting of every month barring any unforeseen circumstances.  That report will be submitted to the Territory manager and on-hand for viewing at any subsequent meeting.  Short version......stop the gossip.  We have so much to do that none of this Board has time to deal with baseless rumors and speculation.  You want to know something, ask me!
  2. It has been said for some time that any and all members are cordially invited to the officers' meetings for greater transparency.  Some few have taken us up on that and we thank them for their interest and attendance.  General meetings are held immediately after.  Additionally, the first meeting of the month will have a Moose Legion meeting following the Board and General meetings.  It is our hope to get this back on track and start planning out for the Christmas season well in advance since we have limited options for fundraisers and such at this time. 
  3. With all we've been through this last year, it is little surprise that we didn't achieve Premier Lodge like we did the year prior.  I fully expect that this should be an easy year to achieve it once again as we put ourselves back into the spirit of a charitable fraternal order.  Let's get our friends and neighbors excited about what we are truly meant to be doing and get them joined up.  Membership is a mere 40 dollars that certainly goes above and beyond what you might think.  That money goes to so many of the programs that we support and is NOT income for the Lodge.  Call it an early investment in our future as I've little doubt that the membership initial dues will increase once we are open.  Membership is one of the primary goals for Premier Lodge and is, by far, one of the easiest goals to achieve with just a little effort.  Don't forget that you can sign up new members at and there is now an app located on the website that lets you check everything from your points and membership benefits to signing up a new member electronically.
  4. Lastly, as if our meetings weren't enough, there's much more going on that so few attend.  The District meetings are the first sunday of every month and rotate from Lodge to Lodge.  The next will be held at the San Xavier Lodge.  I'd love to see more participation in that as well.  Feel free to contact any of the officers for more details.  Some of them tend to do a rideshare and have good time with it.  Jump on in.

Lodge Meetings are the First and Third Mondays of every month at the Fire Station at 6 pm

The first Monday will also be the Moose Legion Unit meeting immediately following the Board and General meeting.

District Meetings are the First Sunday of every month and rotate through San Xavier, Thunder Mountain and NW Tucson Lodges.  Higher Degree starts at 9:45 and regular District starts at 10:30.  The Lodges typically serve a breakfast for 7 dollars prior to the meetings.

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