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November Newsletter

Robert Mathis • Nov 13, 2022

November Newsletter 2022

Well, folks.  Here we go again.  I'm sure you were expecting bad news, but I'm happy to say that since the last newsletter on October 4th, we've finally seen some real movement.  Bill with Intrepid has accepted the contract and has already started by breaking up all the concrete from the old foundation and compacting the area to get ready for the new slab.  There will be some hurdles to work through as we wait on all the inspections for everything from water lines to sewage lines, but once that part it done, we can hopefully start looking at some sort of deadline for erecting the building that we've already purchased (which includes the erection itself).  We have finished paying off the architect and will be looking a little closer at the billing as we are curious about whether some duplicate charges were involved (much like we've discovered with the county).  That said, it's as important as ever that we keep moving forward and doing what we do.  Many lodges and chapters have already sent in donations to help us as we look to the expenses yet to come.  We are all counting on our membership as well to help us minimize any borrowing we will have to do to complete the project. 

Next, if you haven't heard already, there is designs for a new Moose Service Center in Maricopa that we are hoping will be a part of our district and will be closer to us than any other Lodge.  As such, we are hoping to be up and running in time for them to hold their business meetings at such at our Lodge while they work toward the funding to build their own.  I will have more details on that as they come up from Territory Manager, Gary Hall.

Also of note, it's that time of year again where we really like to shine as Moose giving back to our community.  Jerri has been phenomenal in the past with trying to do toy drives and such for our area kids.  I'd like to see some others volunteer as well to really make the most of this.  It's hard to remember sometimes that being a Moose means more than just have a social quarters to enjoy.  Let's make the most of this opportunity knowing that the economy is likely much harder for those less fortunate than us in so many ways.   Feel free to contact any of the officers to find out where we can pickup items or store them for the toy drive.  I'm also hoping someone can step up and help figure out what we can do to organize some type of holiday food drive where we can deliver the supplies for a decent Christmas dinner for those needy families we can help.  It's a little late for Thanksgiving as the holiday has crept up on us, so let's put our all into bringing the magic to Christmas for those we can.

Lastly, I want to thank our new members and those who've sponsored them.  Surprisingly enough, we've received a number of new applications and are looking forward to the membership boom that we expect to see once we open.  But that vote of confidence for those who are joining now or even just transferring in is something inspiring.  As a Lodge that ranked the Premier Lodge Award with no Lodge, it should stun everyone what we can do as a group even with the idea of the Lodge to come.  I know I'm excited.  How about you?

-Fraternally yours,

Robert Mathis


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