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June Newsletter

Robert Mathis • Jun 03, 2022

June 2022

Okay, Moose Folks.  Here's the latest.  I apologize for missing May.  Unfortunately, there has been much going on outside of Lodge for me and with little solid news, I fell behind.  So here's what we have so far...

The new fence was put up today in order for us to take delivery of the building structure components.  After several attempts last month, I was finally able to get into the County Health Department in person to get the permits applications put into review.  As of today (the 2nd), there should be no more than two weeks remaining before they must give an answer to confirm the permit, deny the permit, or ask for additional information.  After some discussion on the phone a few days later from the reviewer (who was on her way to pick up the application and specs for the building), it seems as though most of the traditional mistakes and oversights were well-addressed in advance.  Given that I haven't heard anything since then, I am hoping that things are progressing accordingly.  

We are currently in a holding pattern for those permits to be approved before we give the final go-ahead to begin working on the foundation.  Essentially, it comes down to the moment we get that approval, actual work can begin on-site.  With escalated costs due to post-pandemic issues as well as supply-chain issues, we are looking at a significant cost in order to get functioning.  As a result, we are likely putting the kitchen on hold until we make some progress with the rest of the functions and features of the new Lodge.  Depending on how long things take to finish the core construction, we will attempt to do as much as we can to make it be the place to stop in Arizona City.  Packaged foods and potlucks are permitted even without a full kitchen, so we will make things work.

Now, even with all that said and the fact that we are planning our best for the financial requirements, we will need to turn to our membership, community and, likely, Moose International for assistance in cementing the Lodge rebuild.  It has been a hurry-up-and-wait game since we started the first set of plans to rebuild, and it promises to still have some elements of that as we go forward.  We are still looking for fundraiser ideas and such as we progress and are still taking care of our responsibilities as a Lodge with our efforts to support Mooseheart, Moosehaven and our community.  

A huge thank you to those members who have stuck it out with us, especially this last year.  Among the many requirements for the Premier Moose Lodge Award, membership retention and a +1 goal are critical and have been the downfall of many due to the pandemic.  This was even more true for us as many disregarded the amazing commitment of continuing to be a Moose Member where their dues continued to aid the charitable programs despite not having a Lodge location.  Because of YOU, we are the only Lodge in the District to qualify and receive the Premier Lodge Award.  This is something every one of you should be proud of.  It's far harder to achieve than some might realize.  Members who held on throughout and those who renew or join this next year will be given special recognition during our full reopening ceremony.  When we rededicate the new building and reconfirm our commitment as Moose, I fully expect you will see a true Moose Party Arizona City Style.  It should be something to really look forward to.

As I am sure you have heard, our monthly meetings are typically at the Fire Station on the first and third Monday's of the month.  For the sake of transparency, we have opened invitations for members to sit in on the Officers' Meeting as long as they call President Steve Ross (or myself) and confirm their desire to attend.  This is soley to ensure we have ample space.  Any big issues or decisions will be moved to a full general meeting at the Church on Tacna and a notice will be sent out about the venue change.  

Thank you for your patience......(I, personally, have little left myself!)  LOL
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