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April Newsletter

Robert Mathis • Apr 16, 2022

April Edition

It's been a rough road and yet changes are upon us again.  The new board of officers were elected last meeting and will be installed Monday the 18th at the General Meeting at the Church on Tacna.  It is difficult to assume positions during the period we are in facing the speedbumps toward building up again.  So many are frustrated with all the delays and, I must say, few more so than the officers who've met so many times trying to work through all of the nuances required to move forward.  As a fraternal order rather than a corporate business, we have many steps to take to enact those requirements.  Please remember that this is your Lodge and we involve the membership on all of the major decisions as we must.  The installment of the building committee some time back has actually made this process faster than you would imagine, but it doesn't eliminate every step where we must get with the membership or contact Moose International.  We will get there.

Board of Officers:  So, the elections are complete and the officers will be installed this coming Monday.  They are:  President: Steve Ross; Vice President: John Shackelford; Chaplain: Ron Jolly; Treasurer: Dave Linton; Trustees: Terry Applebee, Charlie Howell, & Bill Stuedeman.  Randy Johnson will become Jr. Past President.  We hope to see you at the meeting for the installation.

As soon as Ellen is settled back north, I will be setting up her access to restart the monthly newsletter as she sees fit.  For now, I will continue with updates as I can, but it becomes more and more difficult to figure out what can be said as I wait for actual and finalized information.  I know that we are looking at quite a bit for financing the remaining portions of the project and we will be looking for all the help we can get with either needed items or simply the physical help for the areas that we have agreed to do in-house to save money where we can.  Given that the building was as old as it was, moved from another location, and added on to prior to permit requirements, I must explain that the idea of insurance value is not what some have believed.  The difference in actual value vs. replacement value was something we had been looking into and the cost differences were astronomical and not really within the budget at that time during the summer we were looking.  Our plan to revisit that in the winter months was obviously put on the proverbial back burner when we had the fire in August.  That aside, the monies issued via the insurance simply don't stretch as far as they might have prior to the crazy inflation rates and costs of materials and the like.  We are working hard while sitting in a tough spot.  So please keep that in mind.

On a sadder note, we have had many discussions in our meetings regarding those who've struggled on a more personal level.  I'm uncertain of how much I should say here regarding several who are fighting cancer and other illnesses.  But I do want to take a moment to acknowledge the passing of BJ Wozy who, as I've been told, was a former Senior Regent back when this Lodge had a Women's Chapter.  I've heard nothing about services or whether they've been held, but our prayers go out to the family.

As Easter approaches and we find the joy in those simple moments with friends and family during the holiday season, be thankful for what and who you have in your life and we look forward to when we can have that fellowship once again in the Lodge.

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